
Fabrik NZ can help transform an empty field or venue into a world-class party.




When people arrive at a music festival or event what they see is the work put in by Fabrik NZ. The team at Fabrik are among the most experienced festival operators and promoters in New Zealand and having worked across the globe including in the U.S, Canada, Mexico, Central America, Western and Eastern Europe, UK, Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Peru and throughout New Zealand, Fabrik is highly established in the international music and event scene. From the iconic R&V to the international Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas and Chicago, the Fabrik team has helped make them happen. Fabrik is the company behind some of the logistics at some of the New Zealand’s largest festivals and events and a leader in the country's event music space. It's the company that helps transform a site - from a club, an empty paddock or event venue - to a premium live music experience, catering to crowds of up to tens of thousands of people Whether it's through camping sites, security, stage management or even wristband control, Fabrik NZ helps provide high quality music events that music lovers remember.

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